The report of the investigation into the PDF documents published by OKCoin is here and the collection of corroborating evidence is here. GPG signatures of the report are here and here. GPG signatures for the zipped evidence are here and here.

Creative Commons License
Analysis of OKCoin PDF Files by Benjamin D. McGinnes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

The first of the video footage showing the delivery of the forged document from the QQ account of the former CTO of OKCoin to the OKCoin accountant is now online here.

The original email threads in response to the announcement of this report are now also available here. The emails are in a zipped file and each one is in standard .eml format for easy viewing in the mail client of your choice. Several people posting to the thread utilised GPG signatures, which have, of course, been preserved intact. Additionally I have signed the zipfile in the same manner as the other files on this site. Those signature files are here and here.

The National Security Agency (NSA) document cited in the report, Hidden Data and Metadata in Adobe PDF Files: Publication Risks and Countermeasures, has either been moved or removed by the NSA. Fortunately a copy had been retained from the work on this report and that copy is available here.